Christ Light Healing
Experience Christ Consciousness Light through Reiki Healing.
Whether you are a Christian or not, this energy + Love is here for your awakening + healing.
My intention is for you is to see that everything is connected. There is no one path better than the other. It has taken me over 10 years to begin weaving my Christian roots back into my beliefs system again. I do not call myself a Christian anymore, because I see traditional Christianity having many imperfections, skewed interpretations, and judgments. May you read this with an open mind and heart. Take what resonates with you and begin to listen to your Inner Teacher (not what others have told you).
My Christian Upbringing
I grew up in a Southern Baptist home in Florianopolis, Brazil as a missionary kid. In high school I shared my “testimony” to over 5000 other teenagers. I even pursued a Christian Studies minor at Ouachita Baptist University. Seriously, you can’t really get much more “Traditional Christian” than that!

The Christ Consciousness
Forty days after Christ’s resurrection {ascension}, the Holy Spirit was released and is now among us. This deep love is here for ALL.OF.US. I believe it is because Jesus’ love transcends time, space, and mind. In traditional Christianity, you “ask Jesus in your heart”. But, I feel He is already there within EVERY.SINGLE.BEING. You simply have to be willing to listen + look within.
Just as the kingdom of God is here, now. So too, the Christ Consciousness grid wraps around the earth like a blanket of love. If you feel like I’ve gone off the deep end, hear me out.
The Energy of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is what I see as that overwhelming feeling you might get when you sense immense gratitude toward someone/thing. Like the “awe” you felt the first time you saw the intense power of Iguacu waterfalls or the vast rocky cliffs on the Oregon coast, or even the deep blue intensity of Crater Lake.
It’s like that comforting feeling of warm sand on your feet, or the sound of the yellow aspen trees dancing in the fall breeze. It’s the feeling that you’re not alone. What you feel I feel, and what I feel you feel.
With my palms together in prayer, I intentionally connect to Reiki energy. This is how I feel the healing Light of Christ move through my hands. Because this is not limited to the Christ Consciousness or “Christians”, I also invite any other teachers, masters, or guides to support your process. This is why I see myself as a vessel + guide, not a “healer”.
Your Experience
You might notice an “awakening” that expands your consciousness. A few benefits include: discovering your purpose, feeling more safe and relaxed, expressing yourself easier to others, and feeling more joy + love + peace.
During the session, simply find a place that is comfortable. Whether seated or lying and you’ll want to be in a location you can relax without distractions. There is no “doing” on your part, just receiving.
Some people feel a release of physical tension and a rebalance of emotions, while others experience tingling or heat in areas that feel stuck. You might not even feel anything at all during the session, but instead notice the ripple effects afterwards.
Healing Comes From Within
If you can begin to recognize that healing is not external, then the deeper healing begins to unfold. This brings more awareness within and a manifestation of living as your Highest Self. You already have everything within you to release deep-seated emotions, grief, trauma, worthiness, and so much more . It just takes uncovering the layers you’ve placed on yourself.
May you begin to awaken to the Light within you + feel the love overflow through your own hands.
Distance Reiki
If you would like to experience this Christ Light, I offer distance Reiki sessions. This energy can flow freely without the confinement of time and space. So, you can be in Louisiana while I’m here in Oregon. With energy healing, you will feel it the same as if we were in the same room together.

Learn more about reiki from my teacher CelestialByCrystal
Dominique Jones
Hello! I am eternally grateful to have found your site and truly appreciate the service you have put forth. Thank you sooo soooo much.
Wow. Dominique, Thank you so much. I’m glad to hear it’s been supportive for you. Much gratitude for you, too.
Christy D Clements
How much are your sessions?
Hi Christy, I apologize for my delay, And yet, nothing from the spiritual realm is ever late 😉 So I hope this finds you in divine timing. Depending on what you’re looking for, you can find my pricing over here: https://essentialyoginis.com/book-a-session/
Iahnna Henry
I am a preachers kid who has always had the gift of healing. I recently became a reiki practitioner and I was shamed for it. I tried explaining to family that it is no different than praying for someone. My source is Christ. How did you overcome the naysayers or shamers?
Hi Iahnna, I TOOOOOTALLY understand. It’s been a lifelong (adult) journey of weaving the two worlds together. It took me a long time to publicly share about these teachings and practices (in places I knew my family would see). It has taken them embracing me and me loving them – for exactly where we each are in our lives. Yes, I’m sure there is prayer for me daily to “return”, and yet I feel more whole and connected to the divine than ever before. And also, it is always shifting and changing, and so are they. All that to say, I hold them with love, I don’t convince or “overcome” naysayers/shamers. And if they approach me, I’m glad to speak about it in a way that helps them understand from their perspectives. But also I have to hold myself with love and integrity that if I’m getting shamed (which thankfully I haven’t felt that) I would end the conversation or leave the room kindly. We’re all in our own learning/healing path. I love that you asked this question, and it could be a GREAT discussion to go in deeper. Sorry for my delayed response. I hope this message finds you well and I’d love to hear how you have moved through these challenges since you posted your question. <3