spring cleansing + liver detox naturally

Cleansing + Liver Detox

    Springtime is the King of seasons and the liver is the queen of women’s health. However, to get the liver functioning at its best, we need to address, what we call in Ayurveda, the agni. The digestive fire {agni} begins to burn brighter giving us a little more umph into our daily routines with the spring season. Whereas winter was a time for calming and resting slumber, spring invites growth, rebirth, and excitement for newness. ⁠

    If your agni is dampened or feeling heavy from winter blues, you might need a little kickstart to ignite it back up. Basically, if you’re experiencing easily fatigue, lack of motivation, dullness, dryness (skin, libido, boredom, etc), sadness, and moodiness (hello PMS), then your liver needs a little TLC.

    We are just as resilient as the earth.

    Did you know your liver can regenerate itself?

    Wildfire Burn in Sky Lakes Wilderness
    This was a pretty devastating fire in the Sky Lakes Wilderness in Southern Oregon (we can see it from our home). I think the fire was in 2019, and we hiked it in 2020. But it was incredible to see the new growth popping up.

    The tricky part is that if your digestive fire is too intense, it’s going to burn through your food so quickly that your body doesn’t have a chance to metabolize it fully. That intense heat can shift into anger and frustration…anyone else feeling a little emotionally fiery and you’re just not sure why or where it’s coming from?!⁠ Well, it might be your liver (and previous life/ancestral trauma).

    Uplevel your water + raise your vibration

    If you want to learn a little more about liver health and daily actions you can do when you drink water, read this article about how to Uplevel Your Water.

    Your health truly manifests itself from the inside out. If you can nourish + cleanse your liver {especially in the springtime}, you’ll help eliminate a lot of other summertime discomforts. I do a 30-day cleanse 1-2 times per year and I feel absolutely amazing afterwards!

    So, here are the four main parts of a liver detox cleanse. These support all your organs + your microbiome, and increase vitality.

    Here are my favorite springtime cleansing rituals to bring me back to a state of flow:⁠

    1. Reduce toxic load + give your liver + kidneys a restful break for 30 days:
      • That means eliminate sugar + alcohol + dairy + caffeine + processed foods.
      • Drink warm lemon water daily.⁠
      • Ideally replace one meal with a fresh pressed juice.
      • Eliminate as much stress inducing activities as possible
        • Add in more self-care time (even – especially – if it’s stepping outside in the sunshine for a few moments during the middle of the day)
        • Let your family know you’re doing this so they can understand and support your process
    2. Reset your gut health:
      • Remove all probiotics
        • Yes, even yogurts, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc for 10 days. Because even the bad bacteria feeds off the “food”.
      • Then, reintroduce Pre + Probiotics⁠
        • Make sure your probiotic is double encapsulated to get farther into the digestive tract. (psst. the refrigerated kind doesn’t go far enough into the intestines and colon.)
    3. Support all organs during the entire 30 days.
      • Cellular support (so you still have tons of energy) + antioxidant support such as ashwanganda, resveratrol (the good stuff in wine), curcumin, and more.
      • Make sure you have bioavailable vitamins + minerals that are easily digestible (no more neon pee).
      • Omegas + essential fatty acids for brain, cardiovascular and nervous system support.
      • Lastly, an enzyme delivery system that supports healthy cleansing and filtering functions of the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and skin.⁠
    4. Life is busy, so simplify.
      • I follow this 30-day cleanse (the detailed outline).
        • For the body to do what it needs to do, I don’t want to add more to my plate.
        • It has all the tools I need.
        • I know it’s the highest quality + purity. No corners cut here.
    Vegan Vitality through supplementation

    I’ve been doing fasts/cleanses for over 10 years and have found this to be the most supportive way. However you choose to do it, just do it! I’d love to answer questions that arise. So, reach out to me over on Instagram, send me an email, or comment below.

    Supporting each other:

    It feels a lot easier + exciting to start new things with others. I’m starting my cleanse Monday, April 26. That way I’ll be done before Memorial Day (and Josh’s – my husband’s – birthday). Can we do it together, pretty please?

    Essential Yoginis Facebook group for the Cleanse education + freebies

    If you’re ready to join, I’ll be sharing how the whole process works, tips, my “secrets”, and encouragement over on my facebook group. Join me at the Essential Yoginis Tribe for some community love. If you’re not on facebook, but want the deets, just reach out to me. I have a special booklet I’ve created. I’m happy to share it with you.

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