Are My Chakras Balanced Quiz » Essential Yoginis
Are My Chakras Balanced Quiz

The Chakra Quiz

Chakras are a good starting point to bring more awareness to what is in alignment with our Highest Self. When we are living life in its fullness, we experience more presence, passion, joy, love, creativity, intuition, and connection. Sometimes energy gets stuck or can’t flow freely.

If you feel like unhealthy patterns keep repeating in your life + you’re not sure what it means, then this quiz will help you understand what might be the cause.

This chakra quiz will help you see your tendencies, struggles, ease, flow, stagnation, and more in your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. The questions can feel challenging. So, be kind to yourself and answer as honestly as you can for how you feel RIGHT NOW.


As with any quiz, this is not meant to diagnose. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

Are My Chakras Balanced?

Find out which chakra needs the most attention right now {it's not always: which chakra is blocked}

Tools + Practices for Your Chakra Quiz Results

Once you've taken the chakra quiz, here are some options to begin your journey to find more harmony in your life.

Start your own healing practice

The Essential Oil + Crystals Chakra Kit
The Essential Chakra Collection

If this Chakra Quiz inspired you to begin taking action on your own, this is the best chakra kit for beginners or experienced yoginis.

This Chakra Collection begins awakening all seven chakras, clears your auric field, and smells divine. Plus, seven raw gemstones + handmade beeswax/soy candle + wild harvested white sage + burlap sack all come together in this perfectly sized kit to begin your inner journey of clearing, healing, and transforming.

Or check out other items in the Sacred Shop that might be a better fit for you.

Go deeper with guidance

Book a Chakra Balancing Session: yoga + energy healing + earth elements
Tantra + Reiki Chakra Balancing Session

A Chakra quiz can help you begin to understand, but it’s not until you feel,  experience, and become aware that change begins to happen.

In this one-on-one chakra balancing flow + energy healing experience, you will feel the shift of energy in your body. Movement to help release stagnation and move energy and Reiki to begin realigning yourself back into harmony.

Or check out my other offerings that might be a better fit for you.