The Tantric Divine Feminine
Feminine form healing has a sense of mystery, of darkness and rest, and yet light and awareness – all together.
The Divine Feminine moves through you like the states of water. Sometimes you can’t see it because it’s so calm and still, other times you can only hear it because it’s in the distance or there’s a trickle, and even other times you can feel it through the temperature.
When looked through a glass water magnifies what you choose to see. And other times, when frozen it cannot move. When the Divine Feminine flows through us, she can move in subtle or expansive ways. If she is frozen, then we might feel stuck with who we are or how to move forward. Other times, she flows like a trickle, a calm flow, or even a gush of intensity.
Have you ever felt that you just “knew something” but couldn’t explain why or how? Or moments when life just “flowed”? Or maybe you’ve felt stuck with direction or purpose?
The Divine Feminine Intuition
Intuition flows like water, too. Did you know there are practices you can do to turn on your intuition? There are practices you can do to feel this flow more freely.
But if you feel stuck in the confusion of life. Stagnant in passion. Insecure in your knowingness. Then now is the time to begin unravelling your preconceived ideas of darkness.
How you see Darkness is your choice.
Secrecy {the Divine Feminine mystery} happens in the dark. The creation of life happens in the darkness of the womb. I grew up in a very black and white world. It was beautiful. I have so many loving memories. But it also limited my expansion of consciousness. My awareness was stuck in a one pointed view.
Maybe your experience is similar to mine, maybe not. But our culture definitely portrays good guy vs bad guy. positive vs negative. Can you remove the images in your mind of darkness as evil or scary?
How meditation brings this concept into our awareness
The same way in a meditation I encourage my students to not label thoughts/emotions as positive or negative, as good or bad, right or wrong. But rather to be in it all. Not in a way that it takes over or even that you label yourself as the emotion. But rather, to take it as an experience of this human life and the emotions, the thoughts begin to shift, just like clouds.
What if darkness is what holds the light?
Like a velvety womb holding the creation of a new life.
Can you sit in the darkness. Rest the the spaciousness + boundlessness of NOT DOING all.the.things. See what arises: fears, angers, frustrations, anxiousness into softness, restfulness, trust, LOVE.
The Flow of Tantra within the Divine Feminine Beauty
The Tantra is not all about the intensity of the Light – or sex. Light wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the dark. It needs the intensity of the full moon to clear, burst through, and purify. It also needs the rest and renewal of the new moon. I hope you choose to not shove, ignore, pretend, or even hide all the sides of your beautiful self.
The Tantrikas go in deep. There’s no middle ground. Intuition begins to flow and move through you in a way that can’t always be described unless felt. This is the awakening of the Divine Feminine within. The Tantric practice begins to unfold when you start to see everything and everyone as perfect in all their ways, in all the Light + Dark.
Experience The Tantric Flow
Book a one-on-one Healing Flow session and begin activating this Shakti essence of the Divine Feminine through Tantric practices, Yoga, and Reiki. Read more about these sessions
Chakra Connection to the Divine Feminine
If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant in passion, creativity, joy, direction, purpose, or even expressing yourself, then take this free quiz to see which Chakra needs the most attention + practices you can do now to start the flow.
What Practices have helped you?
You’ve heard, and maybe believe it too, that you wouldn’t be who you are if it weren’t for those challenging situations. So, I’d love to know. Have you been able to sit with the discomforts? To not go down the negative never-ending spiral? What practices have helped you? How have you grown?

P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this concept. Even if you wholeheartedly disagree. even if you’re suuuuper confused. even if your experience is opposite of mine. Comment and share with me what’s on your heart.