Calm Flying Anxiety
Traveling can sometimes lead to feelings of flight anxiety and worry. I’m grateful I don’t experience anxiety attacks. But I do know many of you have experienced that, maybe even more so since 2020. I do feel the ebb and flow of emotions. Like, do I have my id? Did I forget anything else? Do I have my mask in my purse? And on and on. either way, I think we’re all sooooo ready to travel again!
So, although I don’t have the perfect packing checklist, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help with travel anxiety before and during your flight. I just took my first trip post-Covid. Tbh, I would like to say I did a yoga or meditation practice before I left for the airport, buuuut, nope. I mean, who really has time for that when you’re trying to spend the last few minutes holding those close to you even closer?
But, if you can take a few moments before you leave, then do! Just a couple of minutes in a breathing mediation {like I talk about in tip #6} will do wonders. Then, you can try these other tips to ease your flying anxiety.
Here are 7 tips to help calm flying anxiety
- Lemon essential oil (only if you know its quality/purity) in your water (room temp) first thing in the morning – because, one, no one wants to poop at the airport or feel constipated. And, two, if you have an alcoholic beverage the night before, you might not want a hangover.
- Mask Magic: Two drops of Breathe + Air-X inside your mask to make breathing easier and more refreshing + it kills any unwanted pathogens. (I actually enjoy my mask with oils! ?♀️). No more mask anxiety either!
- OnGuard rollerbottle along your spine whenever you think of it. Usually 2-3x throughout the trip. Keeps your immune system top notch. Plus the hand sanitizer not only is effective against germs, it also supports your immune system too.
- I’m pretty notorious for being able to sleep almost anywhere, but upright airplane seats seriously kills my neck. A rub of Deep Blue on my neck and shoulders is my hero when I don’t have my husband to massage me.
- There are several different oils that are great to support emotions (research: just smelling pure essential oils sends signals to your limbic system – that controls your fight/flight response. Aka, it calms you down). For me, there’s nothing like Rose essential oil on my wrists, neck, and heart. It soothes my emotions and makes me feel divinely special.
Also, try the Essential Chakra Spray or Collection to help keep your energy system in harmony. You can also use other essences like: serenity, neroli, or if you’re not into florals, the balance blend if sooooo grounding with tree essential oils. - When standing in line (lots of line waiting) or anytime you feel anxious feelings arise, take some deep belly breaths. On the inhalation, imagine + feel your awareness moving downward toward the lowest part of your belly. When you exhale, imagine the energy flowing down your legs, as if you have roots anchoring to the earth. This takes you out of your head of anxious thoughts + brings you into your body. You can do this with eyes open or closed.
- Seated yoga is a perfect tool to keep your lymph flowing and circulation moving when sitting for long periods of time: Twists, cat/cow, neck rolls, pigeon (ankle over thigh), roll ankles, lift different toes, eagle arms, cow face arms, forward fold over legs. (My favorite is to actually not sit in a chair at the airport and sit on the floor. Then I can do all sorts of poses to get my body feeling good).
If you’re not familiar with these poses, you can join my online classes for a free week. PS. I have several super gentle chair yoga classes too, perfect for the airport.
Get all these essential oils in one easy travel bundle
Not only that, but you’ll also get a free year to purchase all your oils + more at wholesale. I also love that you’re saving over $96 and you can keep using them far beyond your travels. If you choose to add my favorite, Rose Touch to your bundle, I’ll also gift you the Essential Chakra Spray. (Just send me a message, let me know you purchased the bundle and I’ll mail you your gift).
Get a head start and balance your energy system before you leave
If you’re already feeling frazzled, stressed, or anxious now, it might be a good idea to get your energy system functioning at its best to help make your experience more enjoyable. Balancing your chakras helps you feel more connected and tuned into yourself without the external chaos dampening your mood. When your energy system is working and moving in harmony, you feel more content, understanding of yourself and others, more joy + passion, and even more safety within.
If you’d like to book a virtual or local session with me, you can be anywhere in the world. Click the link to learn more.
Learn from others + share your experience
I hope this list helps you incorporate at least one or two things the next time you have to fly. We would all love to hear what are some things you do to make your travels more enjoyable. Share your experiences in the comments below.
Plus you can always connect on instagram or facebook to hear from others too! I’m always learning from others like you. So, please, teach me your tips too!