All About the Crown Chakra
Experience a Deeper Connection to Your Highest Self
If you have limiting beliefs about faith + God + your life’s purpose, then you might be experiencing a crown chakra block.
The seventh chakra is all about Oneness + faith outside of your Self. It’s about your connection to the Divine {God, Universe, Source}. It’s also about trusting in the bigger picture + soul purpose.
What does a Balanced Crown Chakra look like?
Faith in self, faith in others, faith in the bigger picture, higher awareness, higher compassion, connection to the bigger picture, selflessness, empathy, understanding, recognition, awareness, present, spiritually connected
Common imbalances:
Fast + Over Active:
Receiving more than giving, overthinking, overanalyzing, living in the head, superiority, hysterical behavior, fanatic, addiction to religion or belief, scattered, short attention span, disconnection with body.
Slow + Under Active/Depleted:
Giving more than receiving, lack of purpose, lack of connection, loss of ethics or joy, loss of meaning or identity, cynicism, learning difficulties, fear of death, feeling alone, feeling separate, apathy, materialism
Sometimes injuries present themselves when we need to bring a chakra back into harmony. For instance, you might have migraines, nervous system problems, epilepsy, depression, confusion, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders.
How To Balance Your Seventh Chakra
Use aromatherapy on your body or room, hold + carry crystals with you, use colors in your food, clothes, visualizations, listen to sound healing for vibrational alignment, use your senses to engage active sensations, repeat affirmations and Reiki to bring your fifth chakra back into harmony with your energy system. Here are other associations and helpful practices you can do to bring more awareness + harmony to this chakra:
- Element: Consciousness
- Sound: Silent Aum + Tone ‘F’ (based on 432 hz)
Silence. The quiet after the sound of “Om” + seed mantra
- Sense: None (or all at once)
- Color: White or violet
Wear white + visualize white above head + reaching upward like a petal or doorway opening up and connecting you to the heavens
- Location: The highest point on top of head.
- Mudra: The Mudra of A Thousand Petals
Place the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together to touch, forming a pyramid shape. Allow the remaining fingers to extend upward, keeping them straight. Raise this mudra to about 6 to 7 inches above the crown of your head.
- Opens: upward
- Pair: Root chakra.
- Yoga Poses: most poses that invert
Meditation. Headstand, wide legged fold, ragdoll, savasana, tree, restorative forward fold, alternate nostril breathing. Get a Free Week Trial at AsanaOnline + Practice these poses with a loving + supportive community
- Crystal: Lepidolite
White seated, hold the stone in one hand while touching the crown of head with the other + meditate. Or place it in a place you look at often. Hold it in your pocket.
- Essential Oils: Lime + Frankincense (yarrow + pomegranite seed) + The Essential Chakra Spray
One drop on crown of the head. Spray over head.
- Affirmations: “I trust” “I understand” “I am you. You are me. We are One”
Repeat several times. especially when you feel in lack.
How To Keep Your Chakras in Harmony
Keeping your physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies working optimally also requires you to pay attention to it daily. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
- How is my body doing?
- What am I really feeling?
- How are my energy levels?
- Is my heart open?
- Am I expressing myself?
- How is my brain?
- Am I connected?
Are Your Chakras Balanced?
Take this Chakra quiz to find out which of your chakras needs the most attention right now.
Learn More about Chakras
What are Chakras: A Reference Guide
- First Root Chakra – Manipura
- Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana
- Third Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
- Fourth Heart Chakra – Anahata
- Fifth Throat Chakra – Visuddha
- Sixth Third Eye Chakra – Ajna
- Seventh Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
A Personalized Chakra Balancing Session
If you are wanting to bring more awareness + harmony into the seventh chakra within your own energy system, then Book a 90-minute Session with Jill. This Chakra Balancing Session will guide you through a customized yoga flow + alchemy protocols + a guided Reiki meditation. Currently all sessions are done virtually.
All About the Root {First} Chakra: Muladhara » Essential Yoginis
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