All About the Sacral Chakra
Experience More Flow + Passion + Creativity
If you feel resistance to change, emotional instability, sexual drive {lack or excess}, then you might be experiencing a sacral chakra block.
The Sacral Chakra is all about our sensuality + passion + and how we respond during life’s changes. It focuses on touch and how you feel about yourself. Also called Svadisthana, meaning one’s own dwelling place. It’s where you hold your authentic desires + creation. It’s the sweetness of all moments.
What does a Balanced Sacral Chakra look like?
In-touch with desires, true emotions, friendliness, vitality, sensuality, the ability to feel satisfied, sexual expression and desire, sense of connection, healthy relationships, simple pleasures, embrace change easily
Common imbalances:
Fast + Over Active:
Receiving more than giving, addictions, compulsive behaviors, irresponsibility, emotionalism, invasiveness, seductive manipulation, looking for satisfaction outside of yourself, codependency, obsessive, attachments,
Slow + Under Active/Depleted:
Giving more than receiving, rigid body, rigid beliefs, frigidity, self-denial, fear of change, lack of social skills, lack of desire, lack of creativity, deep seated emotions, trapped grief
Sometimes injuries present themselves when we need to bring a chakra back into harmony. For instance, if you have heavy menstrual cycles or debilitating menstrual cramps. Lower back pain, like when you move the wrong way and you “tweak” your back.
How To Balance Your Sacral Chakra
Use aromatherapy on your body or room, hold + carry crystals with you, use colors in your food, clothes, visualizations, listen to sound healing for vibrational alignment, use your senses to engage active sensations, repeat affirmations and use Reiki energy to bring your second chakra back into harmony with your energy system. Here are other associations and helpful practices you can do to bring more awareness + harmony to this chakra:
- Element: Water
Play in the ocean, river, lake, waterfall, or some body of water. Sway your hips like water flows - Sound: Vam + Tone ‘A’ (based on 432 hz)
Use a singing bowl, tuning forks, your voice or any instrument - Sense: Touch
Touch objects with lots of texture. Also, caress your skin + rub inner ankles. Try dancing with a scarf. - Color: Orange
Wear orange, cook with orange spices + foods. Eat orange fruit + vegetables. Meditate + visualize orange. - Location: reproductive organs. ovaries + testes
The womb space for women (even if you have had a hysterectomy, the energy of that space is still there). - Mudra: Yoni Mudra
- Opens: front + back.
Imagine fluid and gracious movement. The front is where you give, and the back of the chakra is where you receive. Bring more attention to where you feel more rigid/pain - Pair: Third Eye Chakra
- Yoga Poses: Hip opening poses: Pigeon, warrior 2, side angle, goddess, happy baby, mula + uddiyana bandha. Get a Free Week Trial at AsanaOnline + Practice these poses with a loving + supportive community
- Crystal: Orange Calcite
Use stones + crystals to hold throughout day to remind you to flow. Or place them in a place you look at often. When seated or lying down hold or place them over the second chakra location - Essential Oils: Tangerine + Jasmine + The Essential Chakra Spray
Spray on lower belly + back + inner ankles. - Affirmations: “I feel” “I am free to be me” “I flow with the rhythm of life” “I create” “I am enough”
Repeat several times, especially when you feel in lack.
How To Keep You Chakras in Harmony
Keeping your physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies working optimally also requires you to pay attention to it daily. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
- How is my body doing?
- What am I really feeling?
- How are my energy levels?
- Is my heart open?
- Am I expressing myself?
- How is my brain?
- Am I connected?
Are Your Chakras Balanced?
Take this Chakra quiz to find out which of your chakras needs the most attention right now.
Learn More about Chakras
What are Chakras: A Reference Guide
- First Root Chakra – Manipura
- Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana
- Third Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
- Fourth Heart Chakra – Anahata
- Fifth Throat Chakra – Visuddha
- Sixth Third Eye Chakra – Ajna
- Seventh Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
A Personalized Chakra Balancing Session
If you are wanting to bring more awareness + harmony into the second chakra within your own energy system, then Book a 90-minute Session with Jill. This Chakra Balancing Session will guide you through a customized yoga flow + alchemy protocols + a guided Reiki meditation. Currently all sessions are done virtually.
All About the throat {fifth} Chakra: Visuddha » Essential Yoginis
[…] Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana […]
All About the Third Eye {sixth} Chakra: Ajna » Essential Yoginis
[…] Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana […]
All About the Crown {seventh} Chakra: Sahasrara » Essential Yoginis
[…] Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana […]
All About the Root {First} Chakra: Muladhara » Essential Yoginis
[…] Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana […]