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All About the Heart Chakra
Experience More Love + Peace + Acceptance
If you often {or recently} experience Depleted Heart, Recent Grief, or Betrayal, then you might be experiencing a heart chakra block.
The heart chakra is the healing center. It is all about how you give + receive love. This is the center of your energy system. It governs the flow of life force to all areas in and out of the body. This also governs the balance between yin and yang, hot and cold, heavy and light. This is directly proportional to your level of awareness and your ability to have compassion for your Self, others, and Source.
What does a Balanced Heart Chakra look like?
Love, forgiveness, sense of surrender, compassion, wholeness, empathy, easily manifest, friendliness, peaceful, motivated/ing, nurture, and acceptance. Being open to love but remembering that in order to love and care for others, you must love and care for yourself first.
Common imbalances:
Fast + Over Active:
Receiving more than giving, jealousy, codependency, martyrdom, self-aggrandizement, egotism, self-centered, high expectations + judgement of others, clingy
Slow + Under Active/Depleted:
Giving more than receiving, inability to forgive, loneliness, lack of empathy, lack of self love, apathy, indifference, withdrawing, aimless, emotional burdens, holds grudges, fear or intimacy, narcissism, antisocial, withdrawn
Sometimes injuries present themselves when we need to bring a chakra back into harmony. For instance, if you have heart health problems such as high blood pressure + circulation, neck, shoulder, and upper back tension
How To Balance Your Fourth Chakra
Use aromatherapy on your body or room, hold + carry crystals with you, use colors in your food, clothes, visualizations, listen to sound healing for vibrational alignment, use your senses to engage active sensations, repeat affirmations and Reiki to bring your fourth chakra back into harmony with your energy system. Here are other associations and helpful practices you can do to bring more awareness + harmony to this chakra:
- Element: Air
Get outside and breathe fresh air, smell flowers (not the store bought pesticide-full flowers!), and walk in the forest.
- Sound: Yam + Tone ‘C’ (based on 432 hz)
Use a singing bowl, tuning forks, your voice or any instrument to send vibrations to balance
- Sense: Touch
Take a bath with flower/rose petals or floral essential oils. Write in a gratitude journal.
- Color: Green with a Pink center
Wear green, eat + cook with green foods. Meditate + visualize green + loving kindness meditation. Drink Jasmine green tea, rose tea, or cacao with rosehips.
- Location: Center of Chest + secondary at palm of hands
- Mudra: Lotus Mudra
With your palms at your heart, touch the outer edges of both pinky fingers and thumbs together. Keep the heels of the palms pressed together as you blossom open through your hands. Extend through the tips of all 10 fingers.
- Opens: front + back.
- Pair: none. it’s the center of your energy system.
- Yoga Poses: poses that open up the chest, upper back, and shoulders
Wheel pose, camel, puppy pose, humble warrior, eagle arms + cowface arms, poses with binds. Get a Free Week Trial at AsanaOnline + Practice these poses with a loving + supportive community
- Crystal: Green Flourite Octahedron + Rose Quartz
Lying down, place the stone over your heart + meditate + allow the heart to soften. Or place them in a place you look at often. Hold them in your pocket
- Essential Oils: Ylang Ylang + Jasmine + The Essential Chakra Spray
Rub over heart space + wrists. Spray over chest.
- Affirmations: “I {am} love(d)” “I allow” “I surrender” “I forgive”
Repeat several times. especially when you feel in lack.
How To Keep Your Chakras in Harmony
Keeping your physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic bodies working optimally also requires you to pay attention to it daily. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
- How is my body doing?
- What am I really feeling?
- How are my energy levels?
- Is my heart open?
- Am I expressing myself?
- How is my brain?
- Am I connected?
Are Your Chakras Balanced?
Take this Chakra quiz to find out which of your chakras needs the most attention right now.
Learn More about Chakras
What are Chakras: A Reference Guide
- First Root Chakra – Manipura
- Second Sacral Chakra: Svadisthana
- Third Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura
- Fourth Heart Chakra – Anahata
- Fifth Throat Chakra – Visuddha
- Sixth Third Eye Chakra – Ajna
- Seventh Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
A Personalized Chakra Balancing Session
If you are wanting to bring more awareness + harmony into the fourth chakra within your own energy system, then Book a 90-minute Session with Jill. This Chakra Balancing Session will guide you through a customized yoga flow + alchemy protocols + a guided Reiki meditation. Currently all sessions are done virtually.
All About the Crown {seventh} Chakra: Sahasrara » Essential Yoginis
[…] Fourth Heart Chakra – Anahata […]
All About the Solar Plexus {third} Chakra: Manipura » Essential Yoginis
[…] Fourth Heart Chakra – Anahata […]